Thursday, April 5, 2012

Farmers are a Blessing Quilt

I continue to sow along on the Farmers are a Blessing Quilt. I apologize to Randy, the Master Sower who is shepherding quilters from around the world as I quilt out of turn.
35. Ozark Maple Leaf...interesting construction and layout.

36. Fruit Basket...another great basket block.

37. Pine Tree...introducing a pine tree that has not been infested with the nasty pine beetles.

38. Whirlwind

39.Palm for Easter (paper pieced that I found on Just Takes Two)

 40. Steps to the alter

41. Cups and Saucers..Randy taught us a very quick and accurate way to make tiny (1" x 2") flying geese.
42. Propeller...bonus of an adaption the propeller block I saw on Bonnie Hunter's posting today.


  1. wow you have so many little blocks done. It will be a great quilt. I am very stalled on Orca bay showing the tops may have to wait till the fall.

  2. I really like some of these blocks. By the way, that would be "steps to the altar". Some of us can quilt, some of us can only spell! LOL

  3. Wow - you are on a roll! I have fallen very far behind on my blocks but I hope to remedy that this weekend!

    1. hi Ellen, thanks for following along and for your encouraging comments. Quilt on!
