The first Sunday of March is marked in my calendar from year to year. That is the Sunday that is reserved for my grandson Ty and I to attend Science Sunday at the University of Alberta at the Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Building. This is a hands-on science discovery day for ages 5 - 12. We always have a great time. This year was especially great because Ty is now old enough to participate in the archeological dig!
Twenty budding archeologist don goggles, take up trowel and paint brush and excavate away the layers to discover artifacts laying waiting to be discovered under the sand.
There is also the necessity to record/map where in the dig your artifacts were located.
It is a great day to spend with a special boy. We also took in the "Noises in Nature" presentation by John Acorn. Ty always get the answer right when John plays the recording of the flying grasshoppers. John has a new toy which records under water sounds. So this year we got to hear the under ice sounds at a frozen Lake Wabamum (wow the ice cracking sounds like a rifle shot) and the different sounds made by a low flush versus traditional old water guzzling toilet!
There was also time to do "Dot to Dot Dino's",
"Why Playdough is like a Rock",
Or decorate your bag...with a crushing scene of dinosaurs trapped in molten lava...titled "End of Dinosaurs".
Ty got to compare his humerus arm bone being shown here by a volunteer holding a human cadaver bone. Our bones are much larger than those of this smaller species type anteater.
There is so much to see and do at Science Day we will have to go again next year.
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